Sunday, November 20, 2011

How bad is this oil spill?

Could the toxic dispersant used bring about toxic rain for other parts of the u.s? WIll this just be another disaster that in two years nobody will even think about anymore? Im really worried because i read some stuff saying that something called a batholith could explode. And i read something else that said there would be mass evacuations and people would be put into fema camps and martial law would be brought about. I know i may sound crazy but i am legitamately scared.|||it is drastic and the affects will be long lasting and severe ....the 20 billion dollar fund being established is not nearly enough, but that will become apparent to the geniuses at the white house and the soggy MBA'S at British Petroleum later on ....much later.

BP = Biggest Polluter .. ever, it will go down in the annals of history as the worst disaster environmentally speaking , the world has ever seen. maybe not in killing humans like with the Bophal

toxic gas leak in india by union carbide in about 1975 or so , and people are still dying and diseased

and deformed from took over 25 years for the courts to deliver a virtual slap on the the perpetrators.

hopefully now justice will be seen to be done sooner and the criminals at BP and the genius myopic greedy MBA' s will be locked up! or alternatively stuffed into the oil to see how they like it.|||getting worse by the day|||we will not be able to forget about it, since the destruction to the food chain is, as of now, not known, but it will be awful. it may lead to a species extinction event, in which case, i hope you have a house hidden deep in a forest far from the gulf of mexico and the atlantic ocean that is fully stocked with fresh water and foods you will be able to eat from cans for the rest of your life.

the chemical dispersant will not make toxic rain; however, it is already toxifying the sea water that supports the life of the food chain that leads up to our eating food. and it is toxifying the land where the oil has splashed up onto. it is toxifying all of the animals that live there, such as the rich life area of the LA estuaries--you see very few examples of which life form will die/is dead when you watch TV (many others than pelicans for sure).

think of it. already frogs, so important for control of insects that carry diseases, but worse, eat up crops until there is not enough good food to even harvest, breathe air through their skin, therefore, you won't be able to use dawn diswasher liquid to clean them, since they would die from that too. and both frogs and bees are already on the verge of extinction.

thing is, the dispersant is even more toxic than is the black oil. but then think about the oil. if the cry babies in congress had ignored the danger mongers and allowed for drilling for oil in shallow waters (and on land, specifically in the state of Alaska), then this would not have happened. because, in shallower waters, the pressure certainly is not as great as it is 5,000 feet below the surface of the ocean.

that is one of the most serious problems: pressure. there is also much natural gas that of course is pressurized also that is pushing all that oil out of the well--and what is amazingly scary is that we have no idea how much oil is in that well, but probably, as we can see by now, a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT OF IT!

we do not even know the real cause of the explosion. try a search on it here on yahoo answers. there are many opinions, but no definitive answers, and what speculations that may be answers are not proved. the reason of the explosion is real important, since how can a CATASTROPHE like this be avoided by other peoples that are drilling on continental shelves for the oil that we just cannot live without now, not the way we live, everyone that is civilized on this planet, that is. because, think, how would you go about your daily business without petroleum? now, at this juncture of technology, it takes more energy to make alternative energy products than the energy they give to us, so we are far, far away from making energy out of something other than oil at a low expense.

i doubt that a batholith will explode; however, if it is a fact (it's been speculated) that the oil well CASING underneath the sea floor is CRACKED, then the leak goes out of control. if what you mean by a batholith exploding is a result of the casing being cracked, then it is true that the sea floor there then would be unstable and no conventional way to stop the leak is possible. only a thermonuclear blast will stop it. that certainly would explode any batholiths in the region.

but think then: what happens to the chain of life that supports what we end up eating if we must set off a nuclear explosion just to seal up that leak? because, it must be sealed. would that not lead to radiation poisoning and then mutations in the life of the gulf and wherever else this damned blasted oil is carried (the atlantic is next)?

the remarkable thing about this leak is that no one was able to speculate the VAST pool of oil that there might be down there. no one knows even now. at the rate oil is escaping from that pipe, we sure would have a lot of oil to use rather than being dependent on the oil of the middle east. (i think now that there are many, many places under water that have deep, vast pools of oil to tap).

if there is a shortage of food, then you will see martial law put into effect because there will be riots and looting. and people, since they are 99% emotional and not very logical, will rather kill you than let you take the food that they want.

i'm sure that the effects of this spill, i think certainly way at the top of world disasters, are even out of our imagination at this point of time.

and you know what? the damned politicians and the CEO of BP are lazy and too used to living the good life that our tax dollars pay for them. we WOULD HAVE had help in 3 days from when the explosion and leak started from the dutch, who have the ships and the sponges and know-how to have gotten most of the oil off of the water, but our government snubbed them.

i think that those in power in the federal government take this way too lightly. (why did it take obama FIVE damned weeks to get down there to see the devastation??? was he playing golf???) i don't think that there are good leaders in washington. i do not think that the massive federal government machine is going to take care of you, or me, when it comes down to the food chain getting destroyed and the chaos that might ensue as well as social problems IF that oil floats all the way across the atlantic.

oh, really, this is an utter DISASTER, and you (and i) are legitimately afraid!

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